Disease management products (fungicides, bactericides)

Disease Management Products Guide 2024

Disease management products, including fungicides and bactericides, are vital for effective plant disease control and crop protection. In the upcoming 2023 season, staying ahead of plant diseases requires access to updated information and recommendations on disease prevention solutions and disease control products. Agricultural disease management and plant health management are crucial for maintaining healthy crops and maximizing yield potential.

The Disease Management Products Guide 2023 offers valuable insights and recommendations for growers looking to optimize disease management in their agricultural practices. By understanding the efficacy of different fungicides and bactericides, growers can make informed decisions to protect their crops from various plant diseases.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Stay informed with the latest disease management solutions to effectively control plant diseases.
  • Utilize fungicides and bactericides as essential tools for crop protection and disease prevention.
  • Take proactive measures in agricultural disease management and plant health management to enhance crop productivity.
  • Refer to the Disease Management Products Guide 2023 for updated recommendations and information.
  • Make informed decisions based on research trials evaluating the efficacy of disease management products.

Insect Management Recommendations for 2023

The “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2023” guide offers valuable recommendations for effectively managing greenhouse insects in the upcoming year. This comprehensive resource equips growers with the necessary information to control a wide range of pests, including thrips, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, broad mites, cyclamen mites, fungus gnats, mealybugs, and caterpillars.

Focusing on the specific needs of greenhouse cultivation, this guide provides detailed insights into recommended insecticides, their active ingredients, labeled crops, and the pests they target. By following these recommendations, growers can enhance their insect management strategies and safeguard the health and productivity of their greenhouse crops.

In addition to the general insect management guide, there is a separate resource dedicated to providing tailored recommendations for managing greenhouse insects in vegetable and greens production. This specialized guide addresses the unique challenges and requirements of these specific crops, enabling growers to effectively combat pest infestations and protect their yields.

Expert Recommendation:

“Controlling greenhouse insects is crucial for maintaining healthy and productive crops. By implementing the insect management recommendations outlined in the guides, growers can prevent damage caused by a variety of pests and ensure the overall success of their greenhouse operations.”

Disease Management Guide for 2023

The “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide is a comprehensive resource designed to assist growers with effective disease control in their crops. This guide categorizes disease management products into two teams: A+ team products, known for offering the best disease control, and B/B- team products, which provide limited control.

A+ Team Products

  • Product 1
  • Product 2
  • Product 3

These A+ team products have been proven effective in combating various diseases and are recommended for growers seeking top-notch disease control.

B/B- Team Products

  • Product 4
  • Product 5
  • Product 6

The B/B- team products offer more limited disease control but can still be useful in certain situations. Growers should consider these products based on their specific needs and disease management goals.

In addition to the team categorization, the guide also provides specific recommendations for disease management in vegetable and herb crops. This ensures that growers working with these crops have tailored strategies for optimal disease control.

Lastly, the guide includes the “2022 Greenhouse Impatiens Downy Mildew Program” for susceptible and impatiens downy mildew-resistant cultivars. This program offers guidance on managing impatiens downy mildew, a particularly challenging disease, giving growers the necessary tools to combat this threat effectively.

By utilizing this disease management guide, growers can make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to protect their crops from the harmful impacts of diseases.

Updates and Changes for 2023

The disease management recommendations for the 2023 growing season remain consistent with the previous year, ensuring effective plant disease control. However, there are notable updates and changes to the disease management guide that growers should be aware of.

Formatting Changes

Firstly, the 2023 disease management guide has undergone formatting changes to improve readability and accessibility. To present information in a more organized manner, the guide now features a table format.

Notable Additions

Two new products have been added to the list of recommended disease management solutions for 2023. These products are:

  1. Broadform: A powerful fungicide that offers effective control against a broad spectrum of diseases.
  2. Tourney: An innovative bactericide that provides excellent management of bacterial diseases.

Product Removal

One product, Nordox 75WG, has been removed from the disease management guide due to registration changes in Michigan. Growers should be aware of this update and consider alternative solutions for disease control.

Key Information Highlighted

The updated disease management guide now highlights crucial information for each product in the table format. The key information includes:

  • Pesticide trade names
  • Active ingredients
  • Mode of action group
  • Restricted re-entry interval

By providing this essential information, growers can make informed decisions and effectively manage pests in their crops.

National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities for 2023/24

The NHS England Medicines Optimisation Executive Group has identified 16 national medicines optimisation opportunities for the NHS in 2023/24. These opportunities aim to improve population health and healthcare outcomes, tackle inequalities in healthcare, enhance productivity and value for money, and support broader social and economic development.

  • Opportunity 1: Optimize medicines use in care homes
  • Opportunity 2: Address prescribing in patients with multimorbidity
  • Opportunity 3: Improve medicines reconciliation during transfers of care
  • Opportunity 4: Promote the use of electronic prescribing and medicines administration
  • Opportunity 5: Enhance the management of high-risk medicines
  • Opportunity 6: Improve prescribing in patients with a learning disability
  • Opportunity 7: Optimize antimicrobial prescribing
  • Opportunity 8: Increase the use of biosimilars
  • Opportunity 9: Facilitate shared decision-making in medicines use
  • Opportunity 10: Strengthen medicines safety in mental health
  • Opportunity 11: Promote adherence to medicines for long-term conditions
  • Opportunity 12: Reduce the prescribing of medicines of low clinical value
  • Opportunity 13: Improve medicines use in people with frailty
  • Opportunity 14: Enhance the prescribing of medicines for cardiovascular disease
  • Opportunity 15: Optimize medicines use in people with asthma and COPD
  • Opportunity 16: Support the appropriate use of opioids

These medicines optimisation opportunities provide a strategic framework for the NHS to address various challenges and priorities in healthcare. By implementing these initiatives, the NHS aims to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare variability, and ensure value for money in medicines use.

Within these opportunities, integrated care boards will play a vital role in driving forward changes and ensuring collaboration across healthcare settings. By promoting effective medicines optimisation strategies, the NHS aims to enhance disease outcomes and reduce inequality in healthcare.

Measures of success will include improved patient safety, reduced medication errors, increased adherence to evidence-based guidelines, and more efficient use of resources. Ultimately, these medicines optimisation opportunities align with the NHS’s overarching goal of delivering high-quality care that supports social and economic development in the United Kingdom.

One of the key focuses will be on improving access to clinically and cost-effective medicines, ensuring that all patients receive the appropriate treatments for their conditions.

Example Table: Medicines Optimisation Opportunities

Opportunity Objective
Opportunity 1 Optimize medicines use in care homes
Opportunity 2 Address prescribing in patients with multimorbidity
Opportunity 3 Improve medicines reconciliation during transfers of care
Opportunity 4 Promote the use of electronic prescribing and medicines administration
Opportunity 5 Enhance the management of high-risk medicines
Opportunity 6 Improve prescribing in patients with a learning disability
Opportunity 7 Optimize antimicrobial prescribing
Opportunity 8 Increase the use of biosimilars
Opportunity 9 Facilitate shared decision-making in medicines use
Opportunity 10 Strengthen medicines safety in mental health
Opportunity 11 Promote adherence to medicines for long-term conditions
Opportunity 12 Reduce the prescribing of medicines of low clinical value
Opportunity 13 Improve medicines use in people with frailty
Opportunity 14 Enhance the prescribing of medicines for cardiovascular disease
Opportunity 15 Optimize medicines use in people with asthma and COPD
Opportunity 16 Support the appropriate use of opioids

Addressing Problematic Polypharmacy

Problematic polypharmacy poses significant challenges in healthcare, as it can lead to potential drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, and reduced medication adherence. To mitigate these risks, the NHS has implemented strategies to address this issue and improve patient outcomes.

One key approach is structured medication reviews, where healthcare professionals review a patient’s medication regimen to ensure its appropriateness, effectiveness, and safety. These reviews help identify any potential issues, such as duplications or medication interactions, and allow for necessary adjustments to optimize therapy.

Shared decision-making plays a crucial role in addressing problematic polypharmacy. Collaborating with patients in the decision-making process helps healthcare professionals understand their individual needs, preferences, and goals. By involving patients in the decision-making process, medication regimens can be tailored to their specific circumstances and reduce the likelihood of medication-related problems.

Additionally, healthcare professionals provide appropriate advice and support to patients, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of their medications. This includes information on dosage, possible side effects, and the importance of adherence. By empowering patients with knowledge, they become active partners in their own care, enhancing medication safety and promoting better health outcomes.

Structured medication reviews and shared decision-making have shown promising outcomes in reducing the number of prescribed medicines, improving medication safety, and decreasing hospital admissions.

In addressing problematic polypharmacy, the NHS aims to enhance medication management, mitigate risks, and optimize patient care. By implementing these interventions, the healthcare system strives to foster improved medication safety, reduce adverse drug reactions, and prevent unnecessary hospital admissions.

Reducing Hospital Admissions through Medication Optimization

Medication optimization plays a crucial role in reducing hospital admissions related to problematic polypharmacy. Through structured medication reviews and shared decision-making, healthcare professionals identify and resolve medication-related issues that could contribute to hospitalization.

A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology revealed that structured medication reviews reduced hospital admissions by 30% among elderly patients. These reviews allowed for the identification and resolution of drug-related problems that could increase the risk of hospitalization.

Furthermore, systematic medication optimization interventions have proven effective in reducing emergency hospital readmissions among patients with complex medication regimens. By addressing problematic polypharmacy and optimizing medication therapy, the likelihood of adverse events that require hospitalization decreases.

Table: Impact of Medication Optimization on Hospital Admissions

Intervention Reduction in Hospital Admissions
Structured Medication Reviews 30%
Systematic Medication Optimization Significant reduction

These findings emphasize the importance of addressing problematic polypharmacy through structured medication reviews and shared decision-making. By optimizing medication therapy, healthcare professionals can significantly reduce the risk of adverse drug reactions, medication-related hospitalizations, and subsequent healthcare costs.

Fungicide Performance in Cereals and Oilseed Rape

fungicide performance

AHDB provides independent and high-quality information on the efficacy of fungicides against key diseases in wheat, barley, and oilseed rape. Through comprehensive trials using susceptible varieties and targeting areas with high disease pressure, this research helps farmers gauge the potential return on their spray investments and develop effective fungicide programs to manage diseases and prevent fungicide resistance.

When it comes to protecting crops like wheat, barley, and oilseed rape from diseases, fungicides play a crucial role. However, not all fungicides are created equal, and understanding their performance is essential for effective disease management.

AHDB conducts rigorous trials to assess the efficacy of fungicides against common diseases in cereals and oilseed rape, providing valuable insights for farmers. By evaluating susceptible varieties in areas with high disease pressure, AHDB’s research offers objective and reliable data on fungicide performance.

By using AHDB’s fungicide performance information, farmers can make informed decisions about the most suitable fungicides for their crops. This information enables them to develop effective and targeted fungicide programs, ensuring they get the most out of their spray investments.

One of the primary benefits of AHDB’s fungicide performance research is its role in preventing fungicide resistance. Fungicides are powerful tools in disease management, but excessive and improper use can lead to the development of resistance in fungal populations.

By understanding the efficacy of different fungicides against specific diseases, farmers can rotate and mix products strategically, reducing the risk of resistance. This proactive approach helps preserve the effectiveness of fungicides and ensures sustainable disease management practices.

Benefits of AHDB’s Fungicide Performance Information

The information provided by AHDB’s fungicide performance research offers several key benefits:

  • Objective and reliable data on fungicide efficacy
  • Insights into the most effective fungicides for specific diseases
  • Guidance on developing targeted fungicide programs
  • Prevention of fungicide resistance through strategic product rotation and mixing

With these benefits in mind, AHDB’s fungicide performance information empowers farmers to make well-informed decisions in their disease management strategies for cereals and oilseed rape.

Disease Recommended Fungicides
Septoria tritici Triazole-based fungicides
Powdery mildew Dimethomorph-based fungicides
Yellow rust Azole-based fungicides
Rhynchosporium SDHI-based fungicides

By referring to AHDB’s fungicide performance information, farmers can select the most appropriate fungicides for specific diseases, enhancing disease management and crop protection efforts.

With the evolving nature of fungal populations and the constant threat of fungicide resistance, staying updated on the efficacy of fungicides is crucial. AHDB’s research provides valuable insights and supports farmers in making informed decisions to combat diseases effectively and protect their crops.

How to Use Fungicide Performance Information

Fungicide performance information plays a crucial role in disease management, allowing farmers to harness the potential power of active ingredients and develop effective fungicide programs. By considering the local disease-threat profile, utilizing a combination of active ingredients, and adhering to anti-resistance guidelines, farmers can optimize their fungicide treatments for balanced disease control and resistance management.

Integrated pest management (IPM) is key to successful disease management. By integrating multiple strategies, including cultural practices, biological controls, and chemical treatments, farmers can effectively manage diseases while minimizing harmful environmental and health impacts.

One essential aspect of disease management is understanding the local disease-threat profile. By identifying the prevalent diseases in their region, farmers can tailor their fungicide programs to target specific pathogens and optimize disease control. The use of locally adapted disease forecasting systems and monitoring tools can assist in determining the most appropriate timing and frequency of fungicide applications.

Another crucial factor in fungicide performance is the selection of active ingredients. Different active ingredients exhibit varying degrees of efficacy against specific diseases. By choosing a combination of active ingredients with complementary modes of action, farmers can enhance disease control and reduce the risk of developing resistance. It is essential to consult fungicide labels and recommendations from local agricultural authorities to ensure proper selection and use of active ingredients.

Farmers should also follow anti-resistance guidelines when developing fungicide programs. Resistance to fungicides can develop when a pathogen population evolves to withstand the effects of a particular fungicide. To prevent or mitigate resistance, farmers should employ a rotation or alternation strategy, using different fungicides with diverse modes of action. Additionally, applying fungicides at labeled rates and utilizing mixtures or premixes containing multiple active ingredients can help reduce the risk of resistance development.

“Using a combination of active ingredients with different modes of action is a fundamental principle of anti-resistance management in disease control.” – Agricultural Research Consultant

Fungicide Performance Tips Benefits
Consider local disease-threat profile Target specific pathogens for optimized disease control
Utilize a combination of active ingredients Enhance disease control and reduce resistance development
Follow anti-resistance guidelines Prevent or mitigate resistance through rotation and proper use

Disease Targets and Fungicide Programs for Cereals

When it comes to effectively managing cereal diseases, such as Septoria tritici, yellow rust, brown rust, head blight, rhynchosporium, net blotch, and ramularia, understanding the efficacy of different fungicide products is crucial. This knowledge allows growers to develop targeted and effective fungicide programs for their wheat and barley crops.

The performance data for fungicides provides valuable insights into their effectiveness against specific cereal diseases. By considering this information, farmers can make informed decisions about which products to use to combat different pathogens. For example, fungicides that excel in controlling one disease may not be as effective against another.

To illustrate this, here is a table showcasing the efficacy of different fungicides against common cereal diseases:

Disease Fungicide A Fungicide B Fungicide C
Septoria tritici + ++ +++
Yellow rust ++ ++ +
Brown rust + + ++
Head blight ++ +++ +
Rhynchosporium +++ + ++
Net blotch ++ + ++
Ramularia + ++ ++

This table demonstrates the varying levels of efficacy against each disease for different fungicides. Growers can use this information to determine which fungicide works best for each specific cereal disease they need to manage.

By tailoring their fungicide programs based on disease-specific efficacy, farmers can maximize their chances of effectively controlling cereal diseases and achieving optimal crop health.

Image source: link

Disease Targets and Fungicide Programs for Oilseed Rape

When it comes to disease management in oilseed rape crops, three key targets demand attention: light leaf spot, phoma leaf spot, and stem canker. These diseases have the potential to significantly impact oilseed rape yields and overall crop health. Developing effective fungicide programs tailored to combat these specific diseases is crucial for successful oilseed rape disease management.

Light leaf spot, caused by the fungal pathogen Pyrenopeziza brassicae, is a common disease in oilseed rape. It manifests as small, light brown lesions on the leaves, eventually expanding and leading to premature defoliation. Prevention and control of light leaf spot are essential to protect the crop and optimize yields.

Phoma leaf spot, caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, is another significant disease in oilseed rape. It appears as dark lesions with concentric rings on the leaves and stems, often accompanied by stem cankers. Phoma leaf spot can result in yield losses and weaken the plant’s overall health, making it imperative to implement effective control measures.

Stem canker, caused by Leptosphaeria maculans and Leptosphaeria biglobosa, is a persistent and damaging disease in oilseed rape. It affects the stem, leading to lodging and reduced nutrient uptake, ultimately impacting the crop’s productivity. Managing stem canker requires a holistic approach, incorporating cultural practices, resistant varieties, and targeted fungicide applications.

Fungicide Programs for Oilseed Rape Disease Targets

Effective fungicide programs can help mitigate the impact of light leaf spot, phoma leaf spot, and stem canker on oilseed rape crops. By combining appropriate fungicides with sound cultural practices, growers can proactively manage these diseases and safeguard their yields. It is crucial to consider the disease pressure, crop growth stage, and local conditions when developing fungicide programs.

For light leaf spot control, closely monitor the crop to identify early symptoms and implement preventive fungicide applications. Triazole-based fungicides, such as azoxystrobin and prothioconazole, have demonstrated efficacy against light leaf spot and should be considered in the fungicide program.

Phoma leaf spot control relies on a well-timed fungicide application during the autumn season. Recommended fungicides include those containing active ingredients such as flusilazole and propiconazole, known for their effectiveness against phoma leaf spot. Rotation of fungicide groups can also help reduce the risk of resistance development.

Managing stem canker requires an integrated approach that includes the use of resistant varieties and targeted fungicide applications. Fungicides containing active ingredients like fluopyram and prothioconazole can offer control against stem canker when applied at the appropriate growth stages and disease pressure levels.

Fungicide Resistance Research and Guidance

fungicide resistance

AHDB, in its efforts to combat fungicide resistance, conducts extensive research to manage the evolving resistance against multiple modes of action. By understanding and addressing fungicide resistance, the effective life of new fungicides can be extended, ensuring their continued efficacy in disease management.

Managing Resistance

One of the key aspects of managing fungicide resistance is understanding the impact of fungicide doses. By using dose-response curves, growers can determine the effectiveness of different fungicide doses and make informed decisions regarding their application. This knowledge plays a crucial role in optimizing disease control and minimizing the risk of resistance development.

Monitoring Resistance

Monitoring fungicide resistance is essential to stay ahead of evolving resistance patterns. By regularly monitoring the efficacy of fungicides and identifying any emerging resistance, growers can adapt their fungicide programs and take preventive measures to manage resistance effectively. This proactive approach helps maintain the effectiveness of fungicide treatments and reduces the risk of resistance spread.

The Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG)

AHDB actively supports the Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG), which brings together industry stakeholders to address the growing concerns of fungicide resistance. The group collaborates on research projects, shares knowledge and best practices, and develops strategies to mitigate the impact of resistance on crop protection. Through these efforts, FRAG aims to safeguard the long-term efficacy of fungicides and promote sustainable disease management practices.

Pesticide Resistance Issues

Pesticide resistance is a broader issue that extends beyond fungicides. AHDB provides valuable resources on pesticide resistance issues, offering guidance and insights into managing resistance across different pesticide types. By understanding these challenges, growers can develop integrated pest management strategies that help minimize resistance development and improve long-term disease control.

Key Points Benefits
AHDB conducts research on fungicide resistance Extended efficacy of new fungicides
Dose-response curves for understanding fungicide doses Optimized disease control
Monitoring resistance for proactive management Reduced risk of resistance spread
Supporting the Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG) Collaborative approach to resistance management
Resources on pesticide resistance issues Informed decision-making in disease management

By staying updated on fungicide resistance research and implementing the recommended strategies, growers can safeguard the effectiveness of disease management practices and contribute to sustainable agriculture.


Disease management products, including fungicides and bactericides, play a crucial role in protecting crops and ensuring plant health. With the help of disease management guides and resources, growers can access valuable information and recommendations for effective disease control in their agricultural practices. By utilizing these products, farmers can mitigate the risks posed by plant diseases and safeguard their crop yields.

In addition to crop protection, medicines optimisation initiatives introduced by the NHS focus on enhancing patient safety and improving healthcare outcomes. By optimizing prescribing practices and medication management, healthcare professionals can ensure better patient care and contribute to integrated care across healthcare settings.

By incorporating disease management products in agricultural practices and embracing medicines optimisation in healthcare, growers and healthcare professionals can work together to protect crops, enhance plant health management, and achieve better patient outcomes. These strategies not only contribute to a more sustainable and productive agricultural industry but also promote a healthier and safer society overall.


What role do disease management products play in plant disease control?

Disease management products, including fungicides and bactericides, play a crucial role in effective plant disease control.

What are the disease management guides for the 2023 season?

The disease management guides for the 2023 season provide updated recommendations based on research trials evaluating the efficacy of these products.

What pests does the “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2023” guide offer recommendations for?

The “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2023” guide offers recommendations for controlling pests such as thrips, aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and more.

What information is provided in the “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2023” guide?

The “Greenhouse Insect Pest Management 2023” guide provides growers with information on recommended products, active ingredients, labeled crops, and the pests they control.

What does the “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide categorize disease management products into?

The “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide categorizes disease management products into A+ team products (offering the best disease control) and B/B- team products (providing limited control).

Are there specific recommendations for vegetable and herb crops?

Yes, the “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide includes specific recommendations for vegetable and herb crops.

What does the “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide now include?

The “2023 Greenhouse Disease Management” guide now includes the “2022 Greenhouse Impatiens Downy Mildew Program” for susceptible and impatiens downy mildew-resistant cultivars.

Are there any updates in the disease management recommendations for the 2023 growing season?

Yes, the 2023 guide now features a table format, highlighting crucial information such as pesticide trade names, active ingredients, mode of action group, and restricted re-entry interval. Two new products, Tourney and Disarm G, have been added to the list, while Nordox 75WG has been removed due to registration changes in Michigan.

What are the 16 national medicines optimisation opportunities for the NHS in 2023/24?

The NHS England Medicines Optimisation Executive Group has identified 16 national medicines optimisation opportunities for the NHS in 2023/24, focusing on improving population health and healthcare outcomes, tackling inequalities in healthcare, enhancing productivity and value for money, and supporting broader social and economic development.

What is a significant concern in healthcare regarding medication management?

Problematic polypharmacy, the use of multiple medications, is a significant concern in healthcare, leading to potential drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, and reduced medication adherence.

How does the NHS aim to address problematic polypharmacy?

The NHS aims to address problematic polypharmacy through structured medication reviews, shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and patients, and appropriate advice and support.

What does AHDB provide information on?

AHDB provides independent and high-quality information on the efficacy of fungicides against key diseases in wheat, barley, and oilseed rape.

How does AHDB help farmers in disease management?

Through comprehensive trials using susceptible varieties and targeting areas with high disease pressure, AHDB’s research helps farmers gauge the potential return on their spray investments and develop effective fungicide programs to manage diseases and prevent fungicide resistance.

How does fungicide performance information assist in disease management?

Fungicide performance information helps farmers understand the potential power of active ingredients and develop effective fungicide programs. It assists in targeting key diseases in cereals such as Septoria tritici, yellow rust, brown rust, head blight, rhynchosporium, net blotch, and ramularia, as well as disease targets in oilseed rape like light leaf spot, phoma leaf spot, and stem canker.

What does AHDB research on fungicide resistance aim to achieve?

AHDB conducts research on fungicide resistance to manage the evolving resistance against multiple modes of action. This research aims to extend the effective life of new fungicides and provides guidance on managing resistance, such as using dose-response curves to understand the impact of fungicide doses.

Why are disease management products important in agriculture?

Disease management products, including fungicides and bactericides, are essential tools in agricultural disease management. They help protect crops, manage diseases effectively, and contribute to improved plant health and crop protection.

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