Plant identification and care apps

Best Plant Identification and Care Apps 2023

Plant identification and care apps have revolutionised the way gardeners identify and care for their plants. These apps use advanced technology to quickly identify plants based on a photo. They also provide useful information and tips on plant care. Let’s explore the best plant identification and care apps of 2023 based on user reviews and expert recommendations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Plant identification and care apps are valuable tools for gardeners.
  • These apps simplify the process of identifying plants and provide helpful plant care guidance.
  • Pl@ntNet, Google Lens, PictureThis, LeafSnap, and PlantSnap are some of the top plant identification and care apps.
  • Consider factors like accuracy, ease of use, and additional features when choosing a plant identification and care app.
  • With these apps, gardeners can nurture their plants with ease and confidence.

Pl@ntNet – The User-Friendly Plant Identification App

Pl@ntNet is a highly user-friendly plant identification app that has garnered praise for its exceptional ease of use. With just a few simple steps, users can accurately identify various plant species using photos captured on their mobile devices. The app’s intuitive interface and straightforward navigation make it accessible to both novice gardeners and seasoned horticulture enthusiasts alike.

One of Pl@ntNet’s standout features is its impressive accuracy in plant identification. By submitting a photo, users can quickly receive accurate results, saving valuable time and effort. The app’s extensive database encompasses a vast range of plant species, ensuring reliable identification results for users across the United Kingdom.

Pl@ntNet also goes a step further in providing users with a wealth of knowledge about the identified plant species. By including links to relevant Wikipedia pages for additional information, the app empowers users to deepen their understanding of the plants they encounter. This educational aspect of the app enhances the overall user experience and fosters a deeper connection with nature.

While Pl@ntNet excels in fast and accurate plant identification, it’s important to note that the app primarily focuses on identifying plants rather than providing detailed plant care advice. For users seeking comprehensive guidance on plant care, there are alternative apps that offer more in-depth information in this regard.

Pl@ntNet transcends the realm of a mere app by being a citizen science project. It actively contributes to ecological research worldwide by harnessing the power of crowdsourcing. Users can contribute to the app’s database by submitting their own plant photos and valuable insights, helping to expand the collective knowledge of plant species. This unique approach fosters a sense of community among plant enthusiasts and encourages active participation in scientific research.

Experience the convenience and accuracy of Pl@ntNet by downloading the app and exploring the fascinating world of plant identification today.

Google Lens – A Simple and Effective Plant Identification App

Google Lens - Plant Identification App

When it comes to plant identification apps, Google Lens stands out as a user-friendly and reliable option. By leveraging its powerful image recognition technology, Google Lens allows users to capture or select a photo of a plant and quickly find accurate matches from its extensive database.

One of the key strengths of Google Lens is its ability to accurately identify plants, including specific cultivars. This feature makes it a valuable tool for both experienced gardeners and beginners who are eager to learn more about the plants in their surroundings. Whether you’re trying to identify a rare flower or a common shrub, Google Lens delivers consistent and precise results.

Additionally, Google Lens goes beyond simple plant identification. The app provides convenient links to various websites, including specialist nurseries, where you can find detailed plant care advice. This comprehensive approach ensures that users not only identify plants accurately but also understand how to care for them effectively.

However, it’s worth noting that Google Lens may not be as proficient in identifying foliage compared to other plant identification apps. While it excels in recognizing distinct flowers and plants with prominent features, it may struggle with more nuanced variations in leaves or foliage patterns. Gardeners who rely heavily on foliage identification may find alternative apps more suitable for their needs.

Nevertheless, Google Lens remains a go-to plant identification app for its simplicity and effectiveness. Its intuitive interface makes it easy for users to navigate through the app and access the information they need. Whether you’re a casual plant enthusiast or a professional gardener, Google Lens is a valuable tool for accurate plant identification and accessible plant care advice.

Google Lens at a Glance

Accurate Identification
Foliage Recognition
Link to Plant Care Advice
User-Friendly Interface

PictureThis – A Comprehensive Plant Identification App with Cultivation Tips

PictureThis is a comprehensive plant identification app that boasts a high accuracy rate. With its advanced technology, the app quickly and effectively identifies plants based on photos. Whether you’re a beginner gardener or a seasoned plant enthusiast, PictureThis can help you correctly identify various plant species, including flowers, trees, succulents, and more.

What sets PictureThis apart is its extensive cultivation advice, making it a valuable resource for plant care. The app provides detailed information on how to care for each identified plant, offering recommendations on watering, sunlight exposure, temperature requirements, and soil preferences.

Furthermore, PictureThis goes the extra mile by highlighting important warnings on toxicity and identifying common weeds that may infiltrate your garden. This feature is especially helpful for those looking to maintain a safe and healthy environment for their plants.

Your Personal Plant Care Guide

The app also includes a personalized plant care guide, tailored to your specific plant collection. This guide provides reminders and notifications for watering, fertilizing, and other essential tasks, helping you stay on top of your plant care routine.

Additionally, PictureThis offers a “Discover” feature, allowing you to explore plants around the world and discover new species. This feature is perfect for expanding your plant knowledge and finding inspiration for your garden.

“PictureThis is like having a botanist in your pocket. It’s helped me identify plants I never knew existed in my garden.” – Sarah G.

While PictureThis excels in plant identification and cultivation tips, some users may find the additional information overwhelming. The app’s extensive database of plants and horticultural advice can be a lot to digest, especially for beginners. It’s important to take the advice as a starting point and adapt it based on your specific plant’s needs.

Despite occasional inaccuracies in the horticultural advice provided, PictureThis remains a go-to app for plant identification and cultivation tips. Its accuracy rate, comprehensive features, and user-friendly interface make it an invaluable tool for both experienced gardeners and plant enthusiasts.

Pros Cons
  • High accuracy in plant identification
  • Extensive cultivation advice for various plant species
  • Warnings on toxicity and identification of weeds
  • Personalized plant care guide and reminders
  • Some users may find the additional information overwhelming
  • Occasional inaccuracies in horticultural advice

Despite its minor shortcomings, PictureThis remains a top choice for plant enthusiasts seeking accurate plant identification and comprehensive cultivation tips. Download PictureThis today and take your plant care to the next level.

LeafSnap – The Accurate Plant Identification App with Intrusive Ads

LeafSnap is a highly acclaimed plant identification app that has gained a reputation for its exceptional accuracy. It is widely regarded as a reliable tool among gardeners, as it consistently delivers precise identifications of plant species. Whether you’re a novice gardener or an experienced horticulturist, LeafSnap’s ability to correctly identify the genus and species of plants will undoubtedly prove invaluable in your gardening endeavors.

However, it’s important to note that LeafSnap has faced criticism for its intrusive video ads. These advertisements often interrupt the user experience and actively promote the premium version of the app. While the ads may be disruptive, it’s worth considering the exceptional accuracy of LeafSnap’s identification capabilities.

“LeafSnap’s accurate identification and classification features make it a go-to app for plant enthusiasts. Despite the intrusive ads, its ability to identify plants correctly remains unmatched.”

– Gardening Magazine

Although the presence of intrusive ads may be a downside, it doesn’t diminish the value of LeafSnap as a reliable and accurate plant identification app. With its exceptional identification capabilities, LeafSnap will undoubtedly assist you in your quest to identify plants with confidence, making it an essential tool for any gardener.

LeafSnap’s Features:

  • Accurate identification of plant species
  • Advanced classification algorithms
  • User-friendly interface for effortless navigation
  • Extensive plant database for comprehensive results
  • Regular updates to ensure accuracy and expand the database

LeafSnap’s Intrusive Ads: User Feedback

  • “I love the accuracy of LeafSnap, but the constant video ads can be frustrating. It’s worth upgrading to the premium version to get rid of them.” – Susan G.
  • “LeafSnap has been a fantastic tool for identifying plants in my garden, but the ads are a bit overwhelming. Still, the accuracy makes it worthwhile!” – Mark T.
  • “The ads on LeafSnap are quite annoying, especially when I’m trying to identify plants quickly. However, I can’t deny its accuracy and helpfulness.” – Emily R.

Despite the intrusive ads, LeafSnap remains a valuable tool for accurate plant identification. With its exceptional accuracy and extensive database, this app is well-suited to assist both novice and experienced gardeners in their quest to identify and understand the plants around them.

PlantSnap – A Simple yet Accurate Plant Identification App

PlantSnap is a user-friendly plant identification app that combines simplicity with high accuracy. With its simple interface, even novice gardeners can easily navigate through the app and identify a wide variety of plants.

The app leverages advanced image recognition technology to provide accurate plant identifications. Simply take a photo of a plant or upload an existing photo, and PlantSnap will quickly analyze the image and provide you with information about the plant species.

To ensure users have a seamless experience, PlantSnap offers a neat tutorial that guides them through the identification process. This tutorial helps users understand the app’s features and how to take photos that yield the best results.

“PlantSnap is my go-to app for plant identification. Its simple interface makes it easy to use, and I’ve found the identifications to be highly accurate. It has helped me identify various plants in my garden, and I can’t recommend it enough!” – Sarah, avid gardener

While some of the app’s features require a paid subscription, many users find PlantSnap worth the investment. The subscription unlocks additional features such as an extensive plant database, personalized plant care tips, and the ability to save and organize plant identifications.

PlantSnap is a valuable tool for both experienced gardeners and beginners alike. Its simplicity, combined with its accuracy, makes it a top choice for anyone looking to identify plants with ease and confidence.

Key Features of PlantSnap:

  • Simple and intuitive interface
  • Accurate plant identifications
  • Tutorial for easy navigation
  • Extensive plant database
  • Personalized plant care tips
  • Save and organize plant identifications

With PlantSnap, you’ll have a powerful plant identification tool right in your pocket. Whether you’re exploring the great outdoors or tending to your garden, this app will help you identify plants quickly and accurately.

PlantNet – A Worldwide Plant Identification App with Extensive Plant Database

PlantNet app interface

PlantNet is a powerful and versatile plant identification app that has gained worldwide appeal. With its extensive plant database and advanced image recognition technology, PlantNet allows users to identify plants from various continents with ease. Whether you’re exploring the lush rainforests of South America or the vibrant flora of Asia, PlantNet will help you identify the plants you encounter.

The app’s extensive plant database contains thousands of species, making it a valuable resource for plant enthusiasts and professionals alike. Users can simply take a photo of a plant, upload it to PlantNet, and instantly receive accurate identification results. With PlantNet, you can discover the name, genus, and even additional information about the plants you encounter on your global botanical journey.

One of the unique features of PlantNet is its community-driven approach. Users are encouraged to contribute their own photos to the app, further enriching the extensive plant database. This collaborative effort allows for a comprehensive collection of plant images from different parts of the world, creating a truly global plant identification experience.

While PlantNet offers a high accuracy rate in plant identification, it’s important to note that the community validation process for user-contributed entries can occasionally result in delays. However, this validation system helps maintain the app’s reliability and ensures the accuracy of plant identifications.

Take a look at the example below to get a glimpse of PlantNet’s user interface:

Key Features of PlantNet Benefits
Extensive plant database Access to a wide range of plant species from different continents
Community-driven Contribute your own plant photos and help expand the database
Accurate plant identification Reliable identification results for plants worldwide

PlantNet opens up a world of botanical wonders, allowing users to explore and identify plants from every corner of the globe. Whether you’re a passionate gardener, a curious plant enthusiast, or a professional botanist, PlantNet is an indispensable tool for expanding your knowledge of the world’s flora.


As gardening continues to grow in popularity, the use of gardening apps has become increasingly important. In 2023, plant identification and care apps have proven to be essential tools for gardeners of all levels. These apps simplify the process of plant identification, provide valuable tips for plant care, and offer comprehensive reviews of gardening apps.

There are several top-notch gardening apps available, each with its own unique features. Pl@ntNet stands out for its user-friendly interface, making plant identification a breeze. Google Lens excels at providing accurate identifications and linking users to websites for detailed plant care advice. PictureThis offers extensive cultivation tips, while LeafSnap guarantees accurate plant identifications despite the occasional annoyance of intrusive ads. PlantSnap, with its simple interface and high accuracy, is also highly regarded by users.

When choosing a gardening app, it’s crucial to consider factors such as accuracy, ease of use, and additional features. These apps provide valuable information on plant care, empowering British gardeners to nurture their green spaces with ease and confidence. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these gardening apps are the perfect companions for your gardening journey.


What are plant identification and care apps?

Plant identification and care apps are mobile applications that use advanced technology to help gardeners identify plants based on photos and provide useful information and tips on plant care.

How do plant identification apps work?

Plant identification apps use algorithms and image recognition technology to analyze photos of plants and match them with relevant plant species in their databases. They then provide information about the identified plant, including its scientific name, common name, and often links to additional resources.

Can plant identification apps accurately identify plants?

Yes, plant identification apps have significantly improved their accuracy over the years. While occasional misidentifications may occur, the leading plant identification apps, such as Pl@ntNet, Google Lens, PictureThis, LeafSnap, and PlantSnap, have been praised for their high success rates in identifying plants.

Do plant identification apps provide plant care advice?

Some plant identification apps, such as PictureThis and Google Lens, provide plant care advice alongside their identification features. These apps offer tips on watering, fertilizing, pruning, and other essential aspects of plant care. However, not all apps focus on plant care advice, with some like Pl@ntNet prioritizing accurate identification without extensive care recommendations.

Can plant identification apps detect plant diseases?

Yes, certain plant identification apps, such as PictureThis, have features that can detect common plant diseases. By analyzing photos of infected plants, these apps can provide users with information on the disease and guidance on how to treat it.

Are there any downsides to using plant identification apps?

While plant identification apps have many benefits, there are some downsides to consider. Some apps, like LeafSnap, may display intrusive ads that encourage users to upgrade to premium versions. Additionally, while the accuracy of identification has improved, occasional misidentifications can still occur, so it’s always good to consult additional resources for confirmation.

Can I use plant identification apps for identifying plants in other countries?

Yes, many plant identification apps, such as PlantNet, have a global focus and showcase images of plants from different continents. These apps can help gardeners identify plants from anywhere in the world, making them excellent resources for plant enthusiasts and travelers alike.

Are plant identification and care apps worth using?

Absolutely! Plant identification and care apps have revolutionized the way gardeners identify and care for their plants. They provide quick and accurate plant identification, valuable plant care advice, and access to extensive plant databases. These apps are invaluable tools for gardeners of all levels of experience.

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